Workshops and Training
Marinellity provides in-house workshops and customized trainings to help you to operate smarter, become more relevant to your customers and sell better. Our trainings are based on proven theory and examples from your industry. Through practical exercises you learn how to turn what you learn into goals and an action plan relevant for your own organization.
Introduction to Customer Centricity
This workshop is the perfect way to learn how a customer centric culture helps your organization to offer an optimal customer experience, and stimulate the success and growth of your company. In this training you will be introduced to the six disciplines behind customer experience management that help you improve your business results.
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM)
In this workshop you step into the shoes of your customer and you make a first step towards mapping your customer journey. CJM helps you determine what (potential) customers need to complete a purchase with you, it teaches you where to improve your processes so that they better meet the needs of your customers. It also provides insights in how to exceed your customer’s expectations.
Develop (Enterprise) Buyer Personas
This workshop provides a clear picture of who you are offering your products and services to. You will know what Enterprise Buyer Personas are and how you can formulate these personas for your own organization. Personas help you to approach your customers in a very targeted way with a relevant message. Your efforts and costs for sales and marketing therefore decrease and the sales result increases.
Winning Value Propositions that Sell
This workshop is the perfect way to support a customer-focused approach in an organization that sells high-quality products and services with long sales cycles. In this workshop you will learn how to relieve your client’s pain and how you can help your clients seize opportunities. You learn to understand what your customer’s organization is all about. Once you have identified this, you can formulate a winning value proposition, write a sales plan, set goals and create an action plan.
Do you solve your customer’s problems or sell your products?
2020 okt 20The evolution of the Marketing Mix
2020 jan 14What makes SMALL data BIG?
2020 jan 08Supplier engagement and customer experience connected
2019 okt 21Early engagement for more successful lifecycle selling
2019 sep 28Find out what we can do for you:
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